First Visit in India

In October of 2019, President of Young Girls India, Sarah Murphy Travis, traveled to Kalimpong, India to meet with the young girls who were the preliminary choices to be a part of the program. Sarah visited the schools of which the applicants attend, spoke with teachers and principals, and was introduced to the families of the students.

This visit to Kalimpong was essential in understanding the lives that the students live. In order to create a program that aided the young girls in continuing their education despite their low socioeconomic status within India, insight into the livelihood and the possible obstacles that would arise in the future was necessary for success in the Young Girls India program.

The travel to India intended to ensure the families that the board of Young Girls India has their best interest at heart and is a legitimate program to increase the educational opportunities available to young girls in India, and to familiarize the students with the key players behind the organization.